Insanity X Lives (-X1) Blanaid X Lives



You know (X1 Smiles) INX is the only page where I can discuss some of the things that I do. I need to say that here people have open minds. Although, somethings you may not quite agree with if I post it is backed by proof.

I have noticed that some people blog about feelings--me I blog about fact:) Nothing that I post or blog about is fictional. I am a source code I take time to find out what I present to thousands of people. (You don't need to join a page/blog to read a page/blog) *My blog has more hits than followers! You don't need to get a like for your content to be dynamic as well. You will know when you are indexed by certain types of engines what it is.

Just because I don't like something does not make it an untruth. Just because it bothers me to the core of my essence does not make it untrue. I have noticed that in this community we are a people which are unwilling to accept the truth. They are like children, you need to add sugar to the medicine for them to take it. As harsh and as cold as it very well may be you will accept it one day no matter if you like it or not. This is just a simple dynamic of life--Pain vs. Pleasure.


Some of the commentary I run across is downright out childish and of no significance! It is irrelevant and bears no importance on getting justice for Michael or anything else for that matter. People can say what they like about me however one thing they cannot call me is a liar. In all honesty I can call several of them this:) (X1 Smiles) Print factual content first. State your opinion sure; however after you have presented the reader and the community with facts! This is very important. Anyone can author a blog what makes a good blog is not it's followers--it is its content! Please do not author something and make the rest of us "REAL" bloggers appear asinine!  What are you running a tabloid or a blog???

To The Bloggers:

You have a responsibility to your readers to present facts above all. How you feel about the subject matter is not really important at all. If you blog with your feelings I guarantee you anything you push out will indeed be biased!

Since you took blogging on it is your responsibility to be fair and impartial and not use your pen as a weapon against anyone unless it is required (ex: in the case of a scam). If it is jaded then why should I consume that??? I need to remind you that media biases did Michael very wrong. How can you say in one breath you are for Michael when you are spewing hateful and nonfactual content???

*Please get it together quickly as people are reading what you print--you would be surprised who is reading it.


**To The Information Seekers:

Please watch what you read if you notice that an individual is on an unjustifiable rant and not producing any factual content for claims they make monitor what you ingest. It is your responsibility to yourself not to ingest garbage--trash is for the waste receptacle. Anything which sounds intellectual and does not back itself with proper references and proof question it.





X1 The Blue Pill:

Most people don't have a clue what a blog is for so this is for you:)

Main Entry: blog
Pronunciation: \ˈblȯg, ˈbläg\
Function: noun
Etymology: short for Weblog
Date: 1999

: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site

— blog·ger noun

— blog·ging noun

  • 1. To Express Your Thoughts and Opinions You have something to say, and blogs provide a place to say it and be heard.
  • 2. To Market or Promote Something Blogging is a great way to help market or promote yourself or your business, product or service.
  • 3. To Help People Many blogs are written to help people who may be going through similar situations that the blogger has experienced. Many parenting and health-related blogs are written for this purpose.

This particular blog entry may not be for you; however, what if it is?  This entry is for people that are willing to open their mind and expand on what I am saying here. What if I told you that Bloggers are placed on a list would you believe me?  What if this stands true for the most influential Bloggers case and point John Swift my blog HERO!  What if I said to you the moment that you began to say anything that remotely sounds right or correct that you become a target?  Just suppose anything that seems to be against modern day norms was to be censored and banned?  What if we live in a world where people do not and are not allowed freedom of expression.  Yes, what if this world we live in is much like the movie the Matrix?
What if everything you believe to be true is a lie?  Pardon X1--I am still wondering why we are still sitting around doing nothing and we see that there are some serious issues in the world we live in as we know it to be today.  What if up until this very moment you have been walking around with a veil covering your eyes.  

*Perhaps none of this is true--however, what if it is. Red or Blue Pill???

What if I stated to you that you are programmed to think this way would you call me a liar and not click like on that Facebook button?  We have become a people of electronics, television, and mental medication (the dumbing down of society). We are being taught to display no human emotion whatsoever. There is a pill for everything. Red pill or Blue one??  Well I took the Blue pill.  

*Now I wish to GOD I had taken the red pill I have got to tell you!

Why is it that I see things--I say things and others see things and say nothing?  There are few that are willing to stand up anymore these days.  It is as if their life-force has been sucked dry right from out of their bodies.  They will go shopping, and focus on superficial things--which do not matter--however, they are impressed.  Moreover, things of substance and value are not high on the agenda these days. 

Do substantial and meaningful things with your days for tomorrow is not promised and the next second is but a fleeting memory.  Yes, enjoy however do not forget to do something substantial with the value of your life...

Sincerely--Yours Very Truly,

-X1 The Blue Pill


What Kind Of Name Is Insanity X Lives A.K.A. X1???


Many people have asked me to define what the meaning is of the moniker/Blog name that I use.  I will try to do this with some simple diagrams LOL:)  However, first allow me to give you the history surrounding my name.  Back in the early 1990's I took to political science and I was an active blogger in this arena.  I perceived the policies and laws to be very insane especially how the United Nations began to create these charter laws.  If you are interested in what I am referencing and you have no clue here is a link that will give you some information regarding the United Nations and its charter laws.  

*The picture below is the link please click it:

760 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA

It seems that the United Nations wishes to create international laws which govern all of our countries.  I have noticed various embargoes and tough restrictions that were placed on countries in the form of sanctions. This can cripple the people in that country.  Some of the sanctions are in humane. With all of these international laws where was/is the help for the poor nations.  It seems that international law was not designated to help these poorer countries and they still continue to suffer till this day.

This is why Michael always appealed to me because he spoke out against these things-apart from his art Michael was a born activist!  I think Michael actually taught me  the most regarding social injustice and the things going on abroad and at home.  I mean Michael would show things in his videos you would not see on prime-time news often.  Michael was not scared and in fact very brave when it came to speaking out about these things that are just not right.  People busy themselves everyday and don't even give a second thought about what is transpiring in different nations and how people are being wiped out moreso than the animals and our environment--mass genocide! Is not a human life important???!  I think the time has come to go beyond a casual or serious conversation with this.  We as a people have a duty to stand up for something which we see that is not right!  Mark my words you can turn a blind eye to this today and tomorrow it can be your nation experiencing this calamity!

O.K. now you know my blog roots and around this time I began to speak out about this sort of thing.  I would always say this is insanity.  I have a blog brother and he suggested that I utilize this name for posting on various forums because I adapted it into my vocabulary so often.  This is not unusual many Bloggers take on pseudonyms and X1 is no exception. So thus was the birth of the first part of the pseudonym name you see Insanity. 


However we were not done yet:)  My brother stated that most people would think that I was saying that I was "Insanity" (although I would tend to agree with them at one time or another). The meaning of my avatar does not represent this.  Actually, it represents what I am seeing as being the "Insanity".  Due to certain character restrictions on certain forums I adapted to leaving the hyphen out of "IN-SANITY".

I am not one to form personal relationships with people over the internet as I have seen some very "insane" things.  I have however made some exceptions to this rule from time to time as warranted and applicable.  Now if you are referencing me you would spell the pseudonym name like this:

What this effectively means is that I am IN-Sanity.  I am of my full faculties and not mentally challenged whatsoever.  The "Insanity" is of the world and the things I see.  I am not referencing myself with the spelling being "Insanity".  This pseudonym is also a metaphor.

Now I will add another element to this and that will be the X.  X is the first letter of my middle name and it represents the unknown in math.  This also means that because the X is unknown it can represent anyone or anything. In this case I would like to state for the record anyone and anything good.  During my political science blogging stint the meaning of the X was me being a representation for people that did not have a voice.  Today it also has taken on a much more deeper meaning.  We will explore more of what this means later when we delve into the meaning and reason for X1.

Lives was a blog terminology amongst me and my fellow bloggers back then because we lived on our blogs.  So the Lives came in with regard to residing on your blog in a  cyber sense.  The Lives portion of the name is also important as you will see later.   It is also metaphorical in context as it has a hidden meaning as well.

X1 is how I am referenced.  I once used an X however as people of like minded thoughts began to join with me I noticed they had the same ideals.  We share a common bond and this is why they also have a X. And to prevent confusion I am named X1 so that you know the difference between us all.  If you notice the people that have the X as a logo have their own names! If you recall earlier on I stated to you that X can be anyone and anything good--which means well (we come in peace).  So now there are people in my group which share the same principles and therefore they have an X.  No, they are not making an attempt to emulate me or anything of the sort. We are different people with different personalities.  We just happen to share the same foundation.  X as a foundation belongs to NO ONE PERSON.  Although I am the founder of the X Foundation I do not totally direct everything you see.  Everyone that bears a X has just the same stake we are all equal parts of a whole.  I just happened to be the one that created the  X Foundation.  I do make major decisions regarding X as a foundation when it is required for the betterment of the whole.

Below is the final breakdown of what my pseudonym means.  It is an equation you should get this:
This has a dual meaning if you get rid of the "Insanity" X (number) of people LIVE or plain ole X Lives...Get it???

