This group is now headed in the right direction it is important for us to reflect this. The new direction is clear. What I propose is we change the way we view each other and change the way we support each other. We all want the same thing here and that thing is justice. It is important that this group reflect this. We must live it, walk it, talk it, see it, eat it, breathe it, be it, and believe in it! This is possible and I think we are off to a good start here. It is imperative that we continue this journey that we embarked upon. Our focus is bringing everyone together for once and for all-so we can stay that way. My focus is to make this group the best it can be as it is more than just a group to me. It is very important here that everyone feels free and comfortable enough to speak. This is what we want to achieve here!
This platform was established to truly reach an understanding among groups-to comprehend the diversity which we all have. We are coming together from many different angles and yet there is someone who unites us all-in exactly that, our diversity. The same way he united people across geographical, religious, racial, ethnic borders-Michael had no boundaries.
Michael possessed NO limitations whatsoever-he was not scared to take risks and think outside of the box in a very profound statement to reach millions-with the inclusion of each one of us!
Michael possessed NO limitations whatsoever-he was not scared to take risks and think outside of the box in a very profound statement to reach millions-with the inclusion of each one of us!
Here will be our chance to give living testimony to the world regarding who Michael was and what his mission was about. We will be respectful here-we will listen to one another. We will walk in each other’s shoes for a mile, perhaps 5 miles-at times, when required. We will be open-minded while loving each other-and not becoming judgmental.
Each single one of you is an achiever already. Each and every one of you brought people together in Michael's name. Each single one of you will take the journey of ideas, initiatives and actions discussed and developed here to your group(s). The group which has been created here will last. We will all vow each other utmost mutual respect and support. We will aim to achieve goals none of us could dream of achieving on his or her own. We will work here, and what we learn we will take back to our groups and share with our members. We will find joy in what we are doing here. Our vision will become reality.
*Above everything which emanates from this group we will carry the message of Michael's love for the entire world.
L.o.v.e. Lives Forever