Insanity X Lives (-X1) Blanaid X Lives



Hello, pardon me may I monopolize your attention for a moment. We have located one of these  three women!!! *The others must have dropped off the face of the earth (LaQuisha & LaQuanda).  You know here today gone tomorrow?? *This was not a figment of our imagination!  Therefore, I will now highlight these two three women.  They have not tried to disappear--THEY HAVE DISAPPEARED!!!  Therefore, I will keep at this for the duration of the entire trial.  I will pursue  LaQuisha & LaQuanda these women need to be questioned regarding these two videos and any other pertinent information that they have quite possibly withheld from the authorities.  

You may find those other two videos with the blogs that accompany them here:
I will be unrelenting with the exposure which I will place upon these two three women! Every waking moment which I have an opportunity to ask why are they not being highlighted--I shall.  It seems like Ms. Alvarez was a witness today at the hearing:)
Nicole Alvarez Actress With Her Child By Conrad Murray
Murray Son With Nicole Alvarez Birth Cert

Now on to Ms. Alvarez shall we?  I personally think Ms. Alvarez knows much more than she is going to divulge.  It seems that she has quite an interesting past according to news reports where there is an actual quote from a pal regarding her.  We will explore that later.  Right now let's just deal with what we know regarding Ms. Alvarez. 

Ms. Alvarez is NOT only a FORMER stripper she is also actually a D List  actress! I am clear that Conrad Murray took her on vacation and is being very nice to her as she most likely knows some damaging things that she is holding on to.  

What is this Tammy Wynette STAND BY YOUR MEAL TICKET OUPS I MEAN MAN??? Now if Ms. Alvarez was very uncooperative and evasive before what makes anyone think that she is actually going to spill the beans now???

Her lawyer--back in 2009--was Joseph Low IV who is a member of the defense team of Conrad Murray.  I wonder if this is still the case now??? I am quite sure Conrad Murray is protecting perhaps the one woman that can throw away the key on him for now. 

*I bet you as soon as this is over he will dump her and move on to the next stripper in sight as he is not going to stay with her exclusively.*

Shamone seriously, she has been elusive for the duration of this entire thing!

"Nicole Alvarez, 27, has been asked by the Los Angeles Country District Attorney’s office to appear before the Jackson grand jury, the  L.A. Times reports. Authorities still want to hear testimony from Alvarez, who has allegedly refused to cooperate with detectives investigating the star’s tragic June 25 death. Not that it has any bearing here, but it is believed that Nicole Alvarez is also the mother of the doctor's love child, Che Giovanni Murray, born this year."

"Nicole Alvarez is the latest girlfriend of Dr Conrad Murray, the controversial doctor of Michael Jackson. Alvarez was allegedly a stripper and dancer in 2005 and it was in that capacity when she met Dr Murray. Alvarez gave birth to Murray’s seventh child on March 2, 2009. The other children were borne by other women. Alvarez, 27, and Dr Murray named their son Che Giovanni Murray. Dr Murray has bases in Texas and Las Vegas. Che was born in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in LA." 

"The married doctor in the Michael Jackson  death probe stashed an ex-stripper girlfriend and love child in a beachfront apartment near the King of Pop's home, the Daily News has learned. Dr. Conrad Murray - under investigation for giving Jackson the anesthetic propofol - met Nicole Alvarez, 27, while she danced at the Vegas club Crazy Horse in December 2005, said ex-pal Ben Harris Jr. Harris said he saw a $3,500 check Murray gave her after their first encounter during a weekend swing through Sin City. She came home the next morning excited," said Harris. "She woke me up - 'Boobie! Oh my goodness. I hit the jackpot. He said Murray helped Alvarez move from her mom's rental to a posh Santa Monica pad and gave her a BMW. I rode in Murray's car and even helped Nicole spend his money," said Harris, who has written a manuscript about their escapades titled "A Lucrative Vengeance. Alvarez declined to comment. A neighbor said she still lives in the apartment with her baby, Che Murray, born March 2."

 "We are definitely going to cooperate, but as to whether that happens tomorrow -- it's short notice -- that remains to be seen," lawyer Joseph Low IV of Long Beach said on Tuesday."

"Aspiring actor and author Ben Harris Jr., who said he attended Las Vegas Academy for three years, said Murray met Alvarez at the Crazy Horse Too in December 2005. Harris said Alvarez had been fired at Spearmint Rhino strip club, where she had paired up with another stripper to form a tandem act called "Fire and Ice." Harris said that after Alvarez was fired over a dispute, he drove her to Las Vegas the week she met Murray. "I was with her that night. She showed me a $3,500 check that was written out to her," Harris said. "She said, 'I hit the jackpot.' She thought this was going to be her big break."

"Murray set up Alvarez in suites at the Luxor and Mandalay Bay while she was working weekends. Murray, who had a medical practice in Las Vegas before joining Jackson as his personal physician in June, is under investigation in connection with Jackson's June 25 death. Harris, who enrolled at Las Vegas Academy in 1998, said he moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career and met Alvarez in the spring of 2004 on the set of a commercial. Harris, 26, said he has telephone records that would prove his relationship with Alvarez, 27, a native of Puerto Rico. "We talked for hours at a time," he said, adding the last time he saw her was last year. A book he has been working on includes their "weird friendship," he said. Harris finished the manuscript several months before Jackson died. His e-mail address is benharrisjr"

Extended Vacations/Four & A Half Star Hotels:
Conrad Murray On Vacation With Mistress Nicole Alvarez


On the way to the hospital Conrad Murray contacted Ms. Alvarez!  This does not seem like the behavior of an individual that is desperately attempting to save someone's life at all! This sounds like he was killing time so that Michael would be D.O.A. by the time they reached the hospital. I know this sounds harsh :( but this is the reality of the situation.


“It’s almost as if when I read the paper, I’m reading about another doctor,” said Michael Goyer, a retired city manager who was treated for heart disease by Dr. Murray in Las Vegas. “I thought he was beyond excellent.”


"This week, one of several women with whom Dr. Murray became romantically entangled testified before a Los Angeles County grand jury, law enforcement officials said. The woman, Nicole Alvarez, 27, an aspiring actress who gave birth to Dr. Murray’s child this spring, began dating him in late 2006, around the same time he met Mr. Jackson. She has first-hand knowledge of the doctor’s relationship with the singer, according to her close friend Ben Harris Jr., who says she told him she accompanied Dr. Murray on at least four visits to Mr. Jackson’s residence in 2007."


"Finally, a personal crisis involving an extramarital affair drove him from San Diego to Nevada, where he met Mr. Jackson." 


 The Mistress Stands By Her Man:

Conrad Murray On Vacation With Mistress Nicole Alvarez & Their Son

You know Ms. Alvarez, while you are standing by your man he is truly not standing by you!  It seems that he has another woman stashed away somewhere and then he comes and does you when he is done with her. Ms. Sade Anding was one such woman!

Therefore, actually at the end of the day what you are getting is seconds.  Does this have anything at all to do with the sugar daddy thingy?  Is this what it is Ms. Alvarez? Is this why you are so hell bent on protecting this creep?  Is this what it is? That you would not tell the truth and hinder the investigation of a man that was murdered just to protect the man that was cheating on you?
